The world of private equity is constantly in flux. At times you’re stuck in holding patterns and other times when transactions are on, everything needs to happen all at once.
Scaling teams quickly is crucial to success and finding the right consultants can be a challenge, especially under such tight timelines. Private equity firms and their portfolio companies turn to Expert360 to connect with the talent they need when they need it. By using our marketplace, it’s easy to find Experts with the right mix of strategic and the hands-on experience you need whether pre or post-transaction.
After an SME manufacturing business bought a family business, it was clear management restructure was urgently needed. The CEO of the Private Equity company turned to Expert360 seeking a Management Consultant to create and execute a recovery plan.
The company found the right consultant for the job and engaged Simon, a management consultant to restructure.
"Restructuring is never easy, Expert360 found us the right consultant at the right budget in record time."
Expert360 in Action
Within 24 hours -
A number of highly qualified Experts had already applied to work.
In less than 72 hours -
The client interviewed shortlisted Experts and extended an offer to one on the spot.
Within a few months -
The project was completed in time and the client was benefitting from a successful restructure.