Talent support for a high growth social enterprise

About Hit 100

Hit 100 is a high-growth social enterprise founded to empower individuals to

live happy, healthy and dignified lives. They are passionate about improving the

health of Australians living with a disability through health coaching and healthy

home-delivered meals. The company’s trained health coaches work with individuals and their families to provide advice that helps them work toward their specific health and wellbeing

goals. Offering affordable science-based meals developed by Accredited

Practising Dietitians, menu plans are tailored to the user’s individual health and

energy needs.


Hit 100 is a certified B Corp, and further commit 1% of profits, 1% of product and

1% of paid employee time to established charities.

The ease with which we navigated the Expert360 marketplace was the first big draw for us. The technology couldn’t be easier to use and the quality of talent is apparent right away. The platform was so seamless it felt like we had removed the middle-man from the talent sourcing process

Karn Ghosh CEO and Founder of Hit 100


Hit 100 had multiple evolving requirements for freelance talent as their business grew rapidly from launch. In particular, they needed to tap into specialised skills to plug gaps and to scale the workforce.

Three notable skill gaps that arose for the company were:

  • Operations Manager to address a short-term issues that arose from their product launch.
  • Pricing Structure and Financial Modelling Expert to guide the optimisation of the Hit 100 price structuring model.
  • A Grant Expert to support a submission to the NSW Dept of Industry Disability Sector for the Scale Up Grant.


Hit 100 used Expert360’s marketplace platform to source high-quality freelance talent. A brief was posted on the platform that included the skillset needed, desired work experience, an understanding of Scaleups and a commitment to Hit 100’s core values.

Prior to using Expert360, Hit 100 had minimal experience with alternate offerings. However, previous encounters with traditional recruiters had not always been positive as Hit 100 felt the process was at times inefficient, with the company’s best interests not always kept at heart.

Given the Expert360 platform enables businesses to not only access the best talent in the market, but manage their existing contingent workforce and track contingent spend, the solution is also able to scaleup with the needs of the business.


Hit 100 successfully sourced an Operations Manager through the Expert360 platform for a three-month contract. The entire process from posting the project, to securing talent, took less than three weeks. Hit 100 were thrilled with the contractor who was placed with them. In fact, the freelancer was so successful in the role that they were brought on full time by the company as the Head of Operations at the end of the project. Given the ease of finding, and working with, high quality contingent talent through Expert360, Hit 100 began to use the platform on a regular basis for their freelance talent needs.

During a push for a more optimised price structuring model, Hit 100 used Expert360 to source an ex-Bain consultant, who was working as a pricing expert at a large Australian Telco company. Running a half-day workshop with the Hit 100 team, the consultant reorganised the business’ cost of goods sold (COGS), performed a review of competitors models, and produced a price structuring model that was subsequently embedded into the Hit 100 financial model.

In 2017, Hit 100 applied for a Grant Expert to support their submission to the NSW Dept of Industry Disability Sector for the Scale Up Grant. In order to secure the grant, the business needed to demonstrate how they could provide a new and innovative approach to delivering outcomes for the state’s disability sector. Given the specialised nature of grants, and the fact that they only had a short time-window to apply, Hit 100 looked to Expert360 to find a Grant Specialist. Within three days, Hit 100 were able to bring in an expert to reshape and complete their application.

In a high growth environment, with incredible challenges and demands, it’s great to have Expert360 to lean on, which allows our team to keep focused on core business. From our first posting on the platform we knew we had found a permanent solution for our short-term needs.
Karn Ghosh CEO and Founder of Hit 100


Since launch, Hit 100 has undergone exponential growth across all significant business development metrics. In the last 16 months, the company’s headcount has increased from 3 to 28, with June to June revenue growing over fourteen times. This performance is owed in no small part to the company’s ability to source the best on-demand 

The Head of Operations at Hit 100, originally source through Expert360, has continued to lead the improvement of the company’s operational performance. Similarly, the assistance given by the Pricing Structure and Financial Modelling Expert has played a significant role in the optimisation of the company’s financial model. In addition to this, Hit100 now have the tools and talent sourcing outlet at their fingertips for future grant proposals.

As the business continues to scale, Hit100 will continue to look to Expert360 as their permanent technology and marketplace solution for accessing and managing freelance talent.


Other consultants available for this type of work

Fred Olive

Fred acted as the Pricing Structure and Financial Modelling Expert to guide the optimisation of the Hit 100 price structuring model

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Jamie Borruso

Jamie acted as the Operations Manager to address the short-term issues that arose from Hit 100's product launch

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Martina Donkers

Martina is the Grant Expert that supported Hit 100's submission to the NSW Dept of Industry Disability Sector for the Scale Up Grant.

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